Consider the possibility of living your life centered in Love. Looking at every thing within you and all around you with love. Within every cell of your body, love can be found. Love is the first signature of life. The ground of your being rests within love and is love. Before manifestation, before physicality, before energy forms, before all form, love is.
I wish you a blessed, joyous holiday season and a year year filled with light, love and magic.
This is so lovely and helpful. I got some very disappointing news today. Last year I moved to a beautiful new home, knowing that the property would be put on the market in a year and that there was a possibility I might have to move again after a year was up. I found out today that I will and feel so sad and stunned about that (I thought I'd be able to eke out a few more months in this shlumpy real estate market, but the sellers feel it will sell better if it's not occupied, so I must go. But as I read the words of this greeting, I felt calmed and confident that I go to something that will better suit my needs at this time in my life. I am grateful for the healing time I've had in my lovely home.