Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Intelligence of Life

Once again all my plans are suspended as the second blizzard in less than a week visits the East Coast. The breathtaking beauty of the all-white landscape is at odds with the messy turmoil of my thoughts - thoughts about lost business, thoughts about wading through thigh-high, wet and very cold snow to get to my heat pumps and shovel them out, thoughts about how to "be productive" during this enforced time-out, thoughts about the treacherous conditions of the city streets for days to come, which means even more lost business...

Deep breath. I reach for my journal - the special one, the one in which I practice writing about my life and myself in the most compassionate, loving way I can. I start with the obvious: on the life pulse of creation - stasis, expansion, stasis, contraction - I am in the contraction phase. Everything is slowing down or stopping, and my job is not to judge or resist that movement, but to allow it, to honor it and harvest its riches. I write in my journal, "This is a time of gathering and consolidating, especially consolidating my energy around the vision I hold for my life rather than letting it dissipate into the ethers of doubt and anxiety. It is a time for quiet focus and for taking small, deliberate steps. It is a time to surrender more fully to my longings."

I glance through my journal and my eyes land on an affirmation I created several days ago: "I allow the intelligence of Life itself to guide my life." I look outside at the falling snow, at the intelligence of Life itself in motion. It is stunning in its richness, clarity and generosity, and I want nothing more than to drink it in with all my senses. I have a sudden impulse to write a poem. And even though I am not a poet, I pick up my pen and write.

Snow Wisdom

The quiet benediction of the snow
     settles the anxious hum of my thoughts.

Gentle, inexorable, soft


A tender dance of stillness and movement
     revealing the paradox and perfection of Being:

We are the many and the One.

Be still, the snow says.

And I am still.


  1. Suzanne - I trust many are struggling as you were. Yet again - you grace us with your wisdom, joy and peacefullness. Lovely thoughts, and way to "allow". Life is good.

  2. Ah, Zanne, you may not be a poet by trade, but you are definitely a poet! I was thinking this morning, as I looked at the swirling snow covering every surface, if I would EVER be able to get out of the house again. I thought of being cooped up for days on end and began to feel a little panicky inside.

    Then, I took a deep breath to clear the panic, and realized that the snow was giving me an opportunity to just BE. I asked myself if there were any place that I needed to be, and the answer was "no." I asked myself if there were anything that I needed to be doing that I needed to leave my house to do. Again the answer was "no." For now, I have everything that I need to feel safe and comforted.

    In the midst of the calmness that was overtaking me, I thought what a perfect time to take a retreat. I haven't been to the gym since last week, so what a perfect time it is to do Yoga. I have books that I haven't yet had time to read, and this will be the perfect opportunity to just sit and read.

    Between work and my home remodeling, I've been quite busy and have been more than tired. The snow has forced me to slow down and recharge my batteries.

    I will do just what you wrote in your poem; I will be still and hope that you enjoy the stillness, as well.

  3. What a beautiful image with words of wisdom. When your thoughts want to take a snow plow and plunge a path through the snow, your wise self says, "No. Let's see the beauty in this. This is the wonder-filled path of your own brilliant Self." And you certainly ARE a poet! Love, Pat

  4. Beautiful - not only your poem but the poetry in your post. I so needed to read this today after 3 school snow days - with cranky or snowy kids and my work on hold! Deep breath, stillness is here...

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your "I'm not a poet", poem. Snow Wisdom. I am not a poem person but I have to say in totally honesty, it really captures the magic of snow and it was indescribable until now. Beautiful!!!! You have such a gift with words and the world is hungry for them!
