Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Igniting Inspiration

In the past few days I've had several conversations with friends in which they lamented a lack of focus, energy and inspiration in their lives. Here they are, at the start of a fresh new year - new decade! - feeling drifty and lackluster and perhaps a wee bit apathetic. Or maybe feeling grumpy and overwhelmed. Or just plain tired. Not the best way to feel, it seems, at a time when most of us are ready to commit to some kind of positive change in our lives. We want to feel clear, energized and ready for action.

Like my friends, I don't feel particularly clear, energized or ready for action right now. And like them, that bothers me a little - especially since I'm a transformational life coach, someone who supposedly knows a thing or two about staying focused and inspired. So what do I do at a time like this? I stop. Which, paradoxically, is the quickest way to get started again.

And here is what I stop: I stop thinking I should feel anything other than the way I feel right now. I stop the spiral of thoughts that starts with, "I don't feel inspired" and ends up with, "I just don't have what it takes to succeed in this work!" I stop trying to figure out why I'm not inspired. I stop forcing myself to just do something, already. I stop heaping judgmental labels on myself, and I stop fussing over my to-do list.

I just stop for a moment, and breathe. And breathe some more. And maybe a little more.

I invite a little humor and perspective into the situation: after all, my temporary lack of inspiration and focus is not likely to result in world devastation or complete personal failure. I remind myself of the many times I've been in this place, and the many times I've found my way back to a clear and inspired path. I challenge myself - gently, of course, since I don't have a whole lot of energy - to see how this time might be serving me. Maybe I do need to rest, or maybe I simply need to practice a deeper level of self-acceptance. Maybe I'm procrastinating because I'm afraid of something, and that fear is now ready to be faced and healed. Maybe now is a good time to write in my journal, pray or call a dear friend. Or all three.

I decide to see my seeming lack of inspiration not as a problem, but as an opportunity to slow down and look more deeply inside. And from there I gently check in with myself: "What do I have the authentic impulse, the energy and the willingness to do right now?" And I keep my answer very, very simple. Just one small step, then check in again. And repeat.

I also pause to acknowledge myself warmly for accomplishing each tiny step - look, I'm regaining my footing! That may seem a bit ridiculous from the outside looking in, but from the inside looking out it feels kind and supportive, which is exactly the environment that's needed for reigniting our inspired life force energy. As we learn to replace self-judgment with self-compassion, we increase our capacity for inspiration, creativity and joy.

So if, like my friends and me, you're treading a little water right now and wondering how to move forward, just stop for a moment. Breathe deeply and invite your mind to clear. Set aside, just for now, all the thoughts you have about what needs to be done and why you need to kick yourself into gear and do it. Create a little space to check in with yourself. Look for the baby steps, the ones you're willing to take right now even if they aren't the big important ones on your to-do list. Don't expect yourself to feel inspired right away, just love yourself as you are and coax yourself gently into the next thing that feels right. Honor yourself for taking each step.

Or take a short nap, or a long vacation. Then start again.


  1. Per Ususal my guiding light (Suzanne) is spot on. Finding a way to eluminate the path out of my dreary lack of momentum. A path filled with love and understanding and kindness. Thanks!

  2. Brilliant!! Exactly what I needed to hear - so much wisdom and grace in those words. I'm so loving your Blog and your brilliance. Off to baby-step it to the couch for a nap - ahhhh....

  3. Ah, Zanne, beautifully written. I, on the other hand, am totally overwhelmed with my "next step!" Phase II of my remodeling project isn't leaving me much time to just sit and be still. And maybe that's OK; maybe I sat with it all last year, planning how to make my dreams a reality, and now it's reality time! My house is a wreck; it's full of drywall dust; and I am walking through an obstacle course every day. Normally, this would make me feel totally out of control. Somehow, I am feeling very calm amidst all the confusion because I know the end product will be so worth this unsettled time!

    When this project began last May, I had no idea that it would be the huge remodel it has turned out to be. I'm in awe at how it is all coming together--especially since Daniel is doing all the work, and I don't have labor costs. And, truly, it's so much more than I thought I'd get. And it all began when I took your course, "Putting Your Soul in Charge of Your Money." If I hadn't taken that course, there is NO way I'd be able to turn my dear little home into a showplace!

    As always, thank you, Zanne, for your inspiration. Taking those baby steps, trusting that those baby steps are right to take, takes you to a place bigger and better than you could imagine!
