Saturday, July 10, 2010

What the World Needs

There are times when I feel so clear and inspired about the work I do, so committed to helping empower others to honor, trust and follow the longings and wisdom of their souls, that my whole life comes into focus in a particularly joyful way. I feel aligned, energized, on purpose. I buzz with ideas and inspiration and countless ideas for ways to expand my work and my business. I almost burst with gratitude for the opportunities and rewards of doing this sacred work.

And then there are other times. Times when I don't feel like that at all, not even a teeny bit. Times when I question everything, doubt almost everything, and fear pretty much eveything else. Times when I just can't see the point of what I'm doing, especially when there are so many crises in the world that demand our immediate attention. I find myself asking, "What does the world really need with another coach, another spiritual teacher? There are so many out there already, really good and talented and famous people who are already providing these teachings to the world..."

This is an important question. I think we do ourselves, and our world, a great service by asking what the world needs, and seeing how and where our talents and gifts might line up with that. Yet I think we also do ourselves, and our world, a great service by asking what we need. What we truly, deeply need - what we long to create, give or experience. We are, after all, an integral and essential part of the whole, and so what we need counts.

I'm not speaking here of what our ego might think it needs to be liked, to feel safe, to be "special," to be approved. I'm talking about the deepest yearnings of our soul to live a meaningful, passionate and purposeful life, the secret longings we often judge as too big or too hard or too far-fetched. The ones we judge as silly or woo-woo or simply impractical. The ones we think someone else will do, or has already done, far better than we could ever do. The ones we keep ignoring.

It turns out that these longings are the very thing that bring us to life. When we allow ourselves to honor them, to trust them and to follow them, we connect with a vibrant Source of energy that literally enlivens us. We become more open, more present, more engaged than ever before. We become better parents and siblings, friends and co-workers because we sparkle and shine. We experience gratitude for the profound pleasure of being alive with the freedom to follow our hearts. And as we give ourselves to our longings, they begin to grow and evolve, leading us step by step to their highest expression.

I'm reminded of my coach, Tama Kieves, who - despite graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and beginning her career as an attorney on the fast track at a prestigious law firm - wanted to write poetry. Longed to write poetry. That's all she knew, at first. And so she did. She carved time and space into her life to follow her longings. And guess where they led? To a thriving career as a best-selling author, teacher and coach, one whose writing is so lyrical and inspiring and passionate you might be tempted to call it...poetry. She is a poet, and she is so much more. And her writing and teaching are a great gift to all of us.

Which brings us back to what the world needs, and a wonderful quote from Harold Whitman:

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive. Then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

I know this to be true. I've experienced it first-hand and have witnessed it in others. Yet still the doubts come, as they did not too long ago. So I pulled out my journal to have a conversation with myself. I invited my doubts to unload their heavy cargo into the patient and waiting arms of my wiser Self. My doubts whimpered, "What is the point of working so hard to put these teachings out in the world, when Tama Kieves and Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson and Eckhart Tolle and so many others have already done so, and brilliantly? Am I just wasting my time? Should I be getting out into the world and helping in some more direct way?"

I paused. I took several deep breaths and intentionally reached for the highest and deepest wisdom I could hold. I picked up the pen and wrote, "Let me remind you that seeking to shift consciousness is the most direct, most powerful way to work toward an enlightened society. Do not be tempted to devalue or abandon the work of your heart which flows so naturally from your longings and gifts; seek instead to elevate and expand its value. And yes, in many ways you and the others are all teaching the same thing. And that is really, really good. You are adding your unique voice to a beautiful chorus, and as the song becomes louder and more vibrant, more people will hear it. Think of it this way: Deepak and Marianne and Tama and the others need and want you to join the chorus! Your energy and passion can only enhance the song and its ability to reach people. You are not in competition with them, you are joining with them to strengthen and expedite the shift in consciousness that is called for."

This is true not just of my work, but of yours. Your soul is longing for ever-greater expressions of creativity, if you will but listen and follow its promptings. Do not be tempted to devalue or abandon the work of your heart which flows so naturally from your longings and gifts; seek instead to elevate and expand its value. Know that even if there are already hundreds or even thousands of other filmmakers, painters or founders of non-profit organizations, you are unique. The message you long to share, which others may indeed already be sharing, flows through you in a distinct way that will resonate with people who have not yet been touched. Or it will touch those who have already been reached in a deeper and more meaningful way. Your voice matters.

So join the chorus of souls who are singing their true song, knowing in their heart of hearts that what the soul longs for is exactly what the world needs. They are one and the same.


  1. Your timing is impeccable. Thank you for sharing, stating what I am feeling and helping me hear the answer. Thank you for sharing your voice.

  2. Suzanne,
    Your blog could not have come at a better time for me too. I struggle with the same issues so it's nice to know other woman experience the same thing; especially for someone like you who is good at helping others identify the work they love. I guess I am normal. What I most liked about your message was how to get through those times when we feel discouraged, realizing it is not abnormal. I find it difficult to get in touch with what I truly want because I chose a traditional path to be a wife and working mother so the majority of my time and focus has been on my family; not me. I don't quite know how to know what I want, let alone how to obtain it. Even growing up, we were taught to think of others and not to be selfish. Now that my son is 21, I feel somewhat lost as to how I want to spend the rest of my life. And the other disheartening thing is my son doesn't want much to do with his dad and I even though he still lives at home. It's like pulling teeth to get him to clean the bathroom once a week. I've given up on getting him to clean his room; it's a losing battle. His room is like a pig pen. I'm thankful he doesn't get into trouble however he is self-centered and that is not the way we raised him. We raised him to live up to potential and experience a life he will be most happy at. I'm concerned for our younger generation; it's seems that are too self-centered and absorbed; just the opposite as I was raised. Thanks for your great message; I will refer back to it when my negative thinking comes around the corner again. ...Nancy

  3. As I spend my current days interviewing people to develop a management plan for them, it occasionally occurs to me that they know so much so why do they need me? But if they don't need me, why are their efforts not solving the problem I was hired to solve?

    Ah, Suzanne you are so right. Perhaps my role on those parts of the plan is to amplify their voices, to give them the support they need to fix the problems. So even though they and I are saying the same thing, together we might finally get the higher ups to allow the fix to occur.

    Your voice Suzanne keeps me going when doubt continually threatens to derail me - thanks for your wonderful council!
